...and also Jason’s 50th Birthday
Join for drinks, appetizers, and socializing, plus a super-chill, introvert-friendly,
in-the-background party game of invented history and absurd scholarship. Attire: Professorial, Academic, Bookish, Scholarly, Collegiate, Nerdy. Check out the mood board! |
Saturday, December 14, 2024
6:00 - 10:00 PM
6:00 - 10:00 PM
RSVP at bit.ly/SanTilapianStudies
The verdant duchy of San Tilapia once bordered Ruritania in eastern Europe, but it has long since been annexed to larger nations.
For some decades after its annexation, the evidence of its culture was housed in the People’s Museum of Tilapian Decadence, but in time even the museum was razed. The diagrams of its hereditary folk dances, burned. The duchess’s wedding porcelain, smashed. Scholars in San Tilapian Studies must now make do with fragmentary attestations in letters, diaries, and newspaper reports describing the items that the museum once contained. But all is not lost! You are a disciplined and exacting scholar with tenure to earn. It’s time to piece together the museum’s collection! ("San Tilapian Studies" is a casual narrative entertainment by Emily Short, with friendly amendments by yours truly.) |